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Are you a sports fan? The cinema has a discount for you


In a union between cinema and sport in the unique initiative set forth by Medusa to draw young people in cinemas: through a partnership with several of the most important Italian football and basketball teams, each Monday the Medusa Multicinema circuit will open its doors to sports fans, offering them the possibility to see films at reduced prices. On Mondays, fans will only need to show their ticket, subscription pass or scarf of their favorite basketball or football team to see films for only 4 euros.

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The cinemas and teams involved include:
Odeon Milano and Cerro Maggiore (Milan): for Milan and Inter fans
Medusa Multicinema Bologna: Bologna Calcio, Virtus and Fortitudo
Medusa Multicinema Surbo: Lecce Calcio
Med Maxicinema Napoli: Napoli Calcio
Medusa Multicinema Livorno: for Amaranto fans.

(Translated from Italian)

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