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Morgenthaler shoots adult animated film


Anders Morgenthaler whose short film Araki: The Killing of the Japanese Photographer was selected in Berlin and Sundance in 2002 and won at the Critics Week in Cannes 2003, is now working on the editing of his first feature film Princess, an animation/live action pornographic, sexy and provocative film as described by sales company Trust Film Sales.

The €1.2m film produced by Sarita Christensen for Zentropa Entertainments, consists of 80% animation and 20% live action. The film tells the story of 32-year old August whose sister Christina, a former porn star nicknamed 'The Princess' has just died of drug abuse, leaving behind her 5-year old daughter Mia. August takes the little girl on a mission to destroy all existing pornographic material featuring her mother, but his mission is a violent journey that ends in self-destruction.
Morgenthaler in his directors’ statement said that the aim of his film is "to describe the porn fixation of society and the porn industry’s exploitation of people". With this animated film for an adult audience, inspired by Japanese animation, the 33-year old director intends to "reinvent the animation genre", making it a more intellectual exercise for the audience who is asked "to decode the expression of the film differently than with live action".
The film currently in post-production will be ready mid-2006. At the last American Film Market, the film was pre-sold by Trust Film Sales to Filmfreak Distributie for Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, and to Central Partnership for Russia/CIS.

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