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Miguel Hermoso's Lola shot in Madrid


After the success of Jaime Chávarri's Camarón (the ninth most successful Spanish film of 2005, that grossed €2,879,889.84), a new biopic adapting the life of another flamenco legend promises to make a splash in the national box office.
Based on the rise to stardom of Lola Flores, the principal photography of Lola [+see also:
film profile
, which is due to last 14 weeks, started yesterday in the El Álamo studios in the Spanish capital, before heading to Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz and Barcelona. Miguel Hermoso (La Luz Prodigiosa - 2003) directs this production between Prodigius Audiovisual and Ensueño Films, whose budget is €4.5m.

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Hermoso, who directed Lola Flores in Truhanes (1983), decided to focus on the early years of the singer's career, "moments that were often dramatic and that are unknown by most of the audience". Gala Évora, selected from over 500 candidates, will give her body to "La Faraona", as the singer was known, and will also lend her voice to the soundtrack. "My tone is not like Lola's, I'll try to perform in the way I feel the character myself. I hope it will give a good result", confessed the actress. Carlos Hipólito, Ana Fernández, Kitty Manver, Antonio Dechent and Jose Luis García Pérez are also part of the cast of this film whose dancing scenes will be choreographed by Cristina Hoyos, who worked with Carlos Saura in Flamenco (1995).
Still with no release date, Lola will be distributed by DeAPlaneta.

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