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The critics honour Audiard


An excellent week for The beat my heart skipped [+see also:
film profile
by Jacques Audiard which was crowned Best French film of the year last night by the Union of French Film Critics having garnered 10 nominations for 2006 Césars. The category for Best first film was won by Little Jerusalem by Karin Albou while A history of violence by David Cronenberg won the Best foreign film and Stricteternum by Didier Fontan won Best short film. Finally, TV fiction was honoured for the first time with the victory of Nuit noire (Black night) by Alain Tasma, and the prize for TV documentary went to Chroniques de la violence ordinaire (Chronicles of ordinary violence) by Pierre Bourgeois, David Carr-Brown and Patricia Bodet, under the direction of Christophe Nick.

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(Translated from French)

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