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FESTIVALS Switzerland

Who Was Kafka? premieres in Paris


Parisian audiences at the 28th Festival Cinéma du Réel were treated to a sneak preview of the French version of Who Was Kafka? (Lea Produktion, Zurich). Co-produced by the French/German channel ARTE, the new documentary from Richard Dindo was screened on March 18 following the awards ceremony.

The documentary is narrated by French actor, Sami Frey, who already lent his voice to another Swiss film, Off Season, by Daniel Schmid (1992).

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Released on Swiss German screens last February, Who Was Kafka? tells the story of the famous writer through reports from his best friends (Max Brod, Milena, Felice Bauer, Janouch), played by actors. A leading Swiss documentary maker, Dindo is author of Arthur Rimbaud - A Biography (1991), Ernesto Che Guevara: A Bolivian Journey (1994) and Genet at Chatila (1999).

(Translated from French)

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