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Father-and-son team up as armed robbers in Nos retrouvailles


Shooting ended last weekend on Nos retrouvailles (lit. “Our Reconciliation”), the first feature by David Oelhoffen. Starring Jacques Gamblin and Nicolas Giraud, the film marks the big screen debut for a director renowned for his medium-length film En mon absence (Special Jury Mention at the 2001 Clermont Ferrand Festival) and shorts that include Construction (2003) and Sous le bleu (2004).

Nos Retrouvailles – winner of the Trophées du 1er scénario (first prize for Best Screenplay) awarded by the CNC and awards at the Fondation Gan and the Fondation Beaumarchais – tells the story of a father who gets his son involved in a robbery.

Gabriel (Gamblin) comes back into the life of his son Marco (Giraud), 20, after several years of estrangement. A tale of fascination and deception, the film has as its core a complex, contradictory and conflict-ridden father-son relationship, a mix of hatred and love, admiration and loathing, cold calculations and the desperate desire to be loved – chaotic feelings that cause the lives of the two characters to end in disaster.

Lubomir Bakchev (L'Esquive [+see also:
film profile
) was the film’s DoP.

Produced by Oliver Charvet for Kaléo Films with co-production funding from Rhône-Alpes Cinéma, Nos retrouvailles was filmed in seven weeks and will be distributed in France by Pyramide, which is also handling international sales.

Kaléo were previously involved in the production of Miss Montigny [+see also:
film profile
by Miel Van Hoogenbemt (released in France in July 2006), a co-production with Entre Chien et Loup and Ateliers de Baere (Belgium), Samsa Film (Luxembourg) and Ipso Facto (UK).

(Translated from French)

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