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CANNES 2006 Competition / Turkey

Ceylan and the tormented soul


After receiving the Grand Jury Prize and two Best Actor Awards in 2003 for Distant (Uzak), Nuri Bilge Ceylan is back at the Cannes Film Festival with a new film, Climates [+see also:
interview: Zeynep Ozbatur
film profile

Distant, the story of the relationship between a well-known photographer and a young relative who moves in with him in Istanbul, charmed the Croisette with its dry and ironic dialogue and splendid images.

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In Climates, Ceylan (who starred in the film and was also its screenwriter, DoP and editor) depicts the solitude of a man after breaking up with a younger woman (Ebru Ceylan, the director's wife) whom he now wants to find and convince to take him back.

The characteristic sparse dialogue is here, as are the superb long shots, close-ups and the rare figurative sophistication, but the film made a lesser impression on the journalists who attended the screening. Nevertheless, the jury, presided over by Wong Kar-Wai, might value the refined photography and the deep torment beneath the love story.

This nearly €2m film was produced by the Turkish outfit CO with the support of the state, Eurimages (10%), Imaj, and the Hubert Bals Fund. Climates will be distributed in France by Pyramide, who also co-produced the film.

(Translated from Italian)

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