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CANNES 2006 Directors’ Fortnight / FR

Changement d’adresse brings a breath of fresh air to the Croisette


In the spacious but packed Noga theatre, filmmaker Emmanuel Mouret and her troupe – including actors Frédérique Bel, Fanny Valette, Dany Brillant and Ariane Ascaride – received a standing ovation yesterday evening following the screening of her third feature, Changement d’adresse [+see also:
film profile
(lit. "Change of Address"), presented in the Directors’ Fortnight.

A light, funny and tender comedy, Changement d’adresse is a love story between two young people (played by Mouret and the cheerful Bel) who share the same apartment and, more importantly, the same taste for romantic escapism.

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Through their secrets and shared yoghurts in a bathtub, they end up falling into each other’s arms. Mouret films a refined love story, a linguistic comedy where feelings rightly nourish the story and words. First, the characters have to pass the test of distinguishing the real from the unreal, which does not come without some melancholy, to finally understand what love is.

With freshness and modesty, Mouret produces a meaningful film, without veering off course, to create a blend between Tati and Rohmer – a real gem that sets the filmmaker apart from the young generation of French directors.

Produced by Frédéric Niedermayer for Moby Dick Films with Les Films Pelléas and les Films Velvet, Changement d'adresse was made for under €1m. The film received no funding from the CNC, the regions or broadcasters.

Following her presentation in the 2004 Directors’ Fortnight of Vénus et Fleur, Mouret return to Cannes is remarkable, and the film is attracting enthusiasm through word-of-mouth. Only the best can be expected for the film’s release this summer in France, where it will be distributed by Shellac.

(Translated from French)

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