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150 EU heavyweights at Copenhagen Think Tank


Launched at the last Berlin Film Festival (see article), the much publicized Copenhagen Think Tank, organised by the Danish Film Institute (DFI), is welcoming today until June 24 some 150 participants from 34 countries – producers, filmmakers, distributors and representatives of funding bodies – who will discuss possible strategies for strengthening and reinvigorating European film.

Henning Camre, CEO of the DFI and initiator of the Think Tank, said: "Public subsidy systems are obviously important to keep the production system going, but just as important is examining whether the systems are working as well as they could. Knowing that Europe has spent €7bn over the past five years to subsidize film production, that an average of 700 films are produced each year, that only a small minority of these films are ever seen outside their country of origin, that combined they represent just 7% of the European market outside their home countries – compared to the fact that American movies represent an average 72% of the market – doesn't it seem obvious to ask what can be done to change that situation a bit?"

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Advised by a team of 26 top European film professionals, the Think Tank is divided into five workgroups. The first one, supervised by Peter Buckingham (UK Film Council’s head of Distribution & Exhibition) and UK consultant Neil Watson, will focus on the objectives and impacts of film funding. The second, led by Giorgio Gosetti (Rome Film Festival Director) and consultant Erik Lambert, will discuss the "brand value" of European film.

The third workgroup, led by Media consultant Alain Modot and Nik Powell, head of the UK National Film & TV School, will discuss how it is possible to create the conditions for a thriving film sector. The fourth, led by Philipp Kreuzer (head of co-production at Bavaria Film) and Guy Deleiden (Director of the Luxembourg Film Fund), will question the use of automatic funding and co-production systems in Europe. Lastly, the fifth workshop, led by Frédérique Dumas (CNC, France) and Vinca Wiedemann (head of the DFI New Danish Screen), will question the decision making-process at public film funding bodies and how to improve it.

Two keynote speakers, UK producer David Puttnam and Geoff Gilmore, director of the Sundance Film Festival, will join the prestigious participants of this unique initiative sponsored by HUR (Greater Copenhagen Council), the Nordic Film & TV Fund, the Nordic Film Foundation and the Danish Film Institute.

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