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Cinecittà: Change is in the air


The new Minister of Culture Francesco Rutelli pre-announced yesterday a "significant change of direction" at Cinecittà Holding, and "consequently, new people called to helped them”.

On June 20, the Director General of Cinema for the Ministry, Gaetano Blandini, sent a letter to company president Carlo Fuscagni requesting that several points be integrated into the agenda of the assembly convened today, June 28: revoking the majority of the acting boarding members and appointing a new CEO and President.

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Minister Rutelli stressed yesterday that there will be no “wild spoils system”, but it is evident the new government intends to re-examine the structure within the exclusively public capital group that, under the Ministry, promotes and provides services for the Italian film industry. The current administrative board was elected on December 21, 2005 with a mandate that runs through 2008.

Last May, the board ruled that Cinecittà Holding Director General Alessandro Usai and Marketing Director Fabio Fabbi would have to leave. Current CEO Massimo Condemi explained this difficult decision as a necessary cost reduction that is a consequence of a 30% budget cut.

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(Translated from Italian)

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