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Editing of Nadzieja underway


The final scenes of Nadzieja (lit. “Hope”) by Stanisław Mucha have just been completed. After a break of several weeks, the director will start editing in order to finish the film by October, when he hopes to present it to the selection commission of the 2007 Berlin Film Festival.

Nadzieja is a story about blackmail. A young boy, Franciszek, witnesses the robbery of an expensive painting in a Warsaw church. When it turns out that the thief is a big art connoisseur and art gallery owner, Franciszek promises not to say anything if the painting is returned to its original location. But the thief already has a client….

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The film marks the first feature by Mucha, who to date has only made documentaries, which have been presented at the 2004 Montréal World Film Festival (Die Mitte), the 2005 Brussels Short Film Festival (Businessman) and the 2005 Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (Reality Shock).

The cast of Nadzieja includes Rafał Fudalej (a theatre actor), Wojciech Pszoniak (Land of Promise, Miss Nobody and Korczak by Andrzej Wajda), To Kill a Priest by Agnieszka Holland) and Kamilla Baar (Vinci by Juliusz Machulski).

The film’s script was penned by Krzysztof Piesiewicz, co-screenwriter of the Dekalog cycle by Kieślowski, Heaven [+see also:
film profile
by Tom Tykwer, and Hell [+see also:
film profile
by Denis Tanovic.

Shot in Polish, the film is a German (64%)/Polish (36%) co-production between Pandora Film, Studio Filmowe Kalejdoskop and WDR/HR/3Sat, and is backed by the Polish Film Institute.

(Translated from French)

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