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Reykjavik honours Goran Paskaljevic


The Reykjavik International Film Festival (RIFF) (September 28-October 8) is going to pay a special tribute to Serbian filmmaker Goran Paskaljevic, who just served as chairman of the jury at the last Karlovy Vary Film Festival.

Paskaljevic graduated from the famous FAMU film school in the Czech Republic, also very popular among Icelandic filmmakers such as Grímur Hákonarson, Silja Hauksdóttir, Börkur Gunnarsson and Porsteinn Jónasson, all of whom studied there.

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The Serbian director’s films include Guardian Angel (1987), Time of Miracles (1989), How Harry Became a Tree (2001) and the post-war, Serbian Midwinter’s Night Dream (2004), which won a Special Jury Prize at San Sebastian. Last year’s guest of honour at RIFF was Iranian filmmaker Abbas Kiarostami.

Considered one of Iceland’s top festivals, the RIFF is organised by a prestigious team of film professionals, with honorary president Helga Stephenson (former director of the Toronto International Film Festival), Icelandic producer Sigurjon Sighvatsson and filmmakers Baltasar Kormákur and Dagur Kári sitting on the programming committee.

This year’s programme will include the Blue Horizon conference on “niche networks”, held in collaboration with EDN Denmark (an association bringing together those working in film, TV, film academies, and festivals). The conference will be attended by directors of international television networks.

Also on the programme is a symposium on films by women from the four continents, organised with WIFT (Women in Film and Television), and a "Pitching Forum" where up-and-coming Icelandic filmmakers will be able to present their ideas to network representatives.

The RIFF’s 2005 edition screened 60 films from 26 countries.

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