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Mesfilms to boost Catalan production


The Executive Council of the Government of Catalonia has decided to create Mesfilms Inversions, a new business corporation whose main goals are to invest in the production of co-production films and increase the competitiveness of Catalan productions at both national and international markets.

Several local institutions, including the Institut Català de las Indústries Culturals (ICIC), the Televisió de Catalunya, the Institut Català de Finances Holding, and SAU (ICF Holding), will take part on the new company, whose capital stock is approximately €3M.

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According to Joaquim Nadal, spokesman of the Catalan government, Mesfilms will finance film projects both in the Catalan and Castilian languages and will have the right to manage the audiovisual rights of the supported productions.

The creation of Mesfilms takes place on the 20th anniversary of Catalan Films & TV, an audiovisual promotional organism supported by the local government, which will take two films, two documentaries and two shorts produced in Catalonia to the upcoming Locarno Film Festival (see news).

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