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"Animal Farm" á la Constantin


The production outfit Constantin Film Produktion have found a new way of adding new arguments to historical events with its recent spate of historical titles (from Goodbye, Lenin [+see also:
interview: Wolfgang Becker
film profile
to Sophie Scholl [+see also:
film profile
, Downfall [+see also:
film review
interview: Bernd Eichinger
interview: Joachim Fest
interview: Oliver Hirschbiegel
film profile
and The Lives of Others [+see also:
film review
interview: Florian Henckel von Donners…
interview: Ulrich Muehe
film profile
) and is now making another, this time aimed at a younger audience.

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Constantin have bought the rights to the book Die Konferenz der Tiere (Animal Conference), written in 1949 by Erich Kästner (following Orwell’s Animal Farm) as a meditation on war and the East-West conflict in the form of a fable on peace and humanity, which made the book a classic.

The animal’s revolt – the focal point of the film – will be depicted through images animated with CGI technology by the team behind Urmel aus dem Eis (2006), also a literary adaptation.

Production, headed by Constantin’s Reinhard Klooss, is expected to begin in 2007.

(Translated from French)

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