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Crialese’s first “golden” success


"I am moved. Golden Door [+see also:
film review
interview: Alexandre Mallet-Guy
interview: Charlotte Gainsbourg
interview: Emanuele Crialese
interview: Emanuele Crialese
interview: Fabrizio Mosca
film profile
seeps inside you and remains, in the best tradition of the Italian films of my childhood". This was the warm comment made by Anjelica Huston, one of approximately 700 guests at Hollywood’s Egyptian Theater, at the October 3 opening film of Cinema Italian Style, headed by Silvia Bizio and backed by Cinecittà Holding and the Lazio Region.

The reactions of Hollywood audiences is promising for director Emanuele Crialese’s race for the nomination for the Best Foreign Language Film Oscar, seeing as how there were numerous judges present from the Golden Globes (the awards given by the foreign press in Hollywood, which traditionally anticipate the Oscar winners) and professionals such as John Landis, Patricia Arquette, Joe Dante and Universal Pictures President Marc Schmuger.

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According to Crialese, who has been living in the US for the past ten years, Golden Door may be selected for the Oscar shortlist by the 8,000 members of the Academy for "the fact that it speaks of future American citizens. Every single juror has a story like this one to tell".

Golden Door has so far been sold to numerous countries throughout the world and there are several US distributors interested in acquiring it.

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