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Alatriste breaks local BO records


Volver [+see also:
film review
interview: Agustín Almodóvar
interview: Carmen Maura
interview: Pedro Almodóvar
interview: Pénélope Cruz
film profile
might have recently beaten out Alatriste [+see also:
film review
film profile
for the nomination for the Foreign Language Oscar shortlist (see news), but when it comes to box office results, Agustín Díaz Yanes's adventure film has just kicked Almodóvar's latest film out of the first position, becoming the must successful domestic production of the year.

According to ICAA data, Alatriste garnered over 2.4m admissions by September 24 and grossed over €13m (Volver follows with over 1.8m admissions and almost €9.9m). This ascent is impressive, particularly considering that the film was released in early September, which shows its quick progression in only three weeks.

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While the secrets to its success might lie in several aspects, it is impossible to disregard the promotional efforts. The most expensive production ever in Spanish film industry (€24m) had a proportional marketing campaign, which began last Christmas with the broadcast of teasers in several theatres. Later came the trailer and several special outdoor campaigns in 35 cities.

Starring US actor Viggo Mortensen, Alatriste’s release coincided with the start of its journey on the film festival circuit. After its international première in Toronto last month, the film is now one of the most anticipated titles at the upcoming RomeFilmFest, where it is set to screen in the Première section.

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