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Digital opportunities reviewed with MAIA


The third workshop organised by the MAIA Workshops with the Lazio Region will be held in Rome on November 6-7. The event is aimed at European producers, screenwriters, directors, audiovisual professionals and film and theatrical arts students.

Entitled "Creative opportunities and new markets for European digital cinema”, the course will include a meeting with Louise Vesth (Danish producer of Zentropa), Paul Donovan (Grand Pictures, Ireland) and Peter Buckingham (head of distribution at the UK Film Council).

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Registration fees are €100 + VAT. For information and registration: Fabulafilm srl, Piazza Dante, 7 - 00185 Roma, tel +39 06 977 48 203 / 4 - fax +39 06 977 48 203 - e-mail:

(Translated from Italian)

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