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MEDIA PROGRAMME Pilot projects

Over €1m for diffusion of European film


Four collective projects from 19 countries have received €1.1m from the MEDIA PLUS Programme in order to launch initiatives aimed at the distribution and promotion of European audiovisual works.

The largest amount of support (€322,549) went to Deutsches Filminstitut- DIF, which, together with 16 other partners, will launch the MIDAS II project. The new project will continue the expansion and diffusion of a database composed of archives and cinematographic images, which can be accessed at

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With four other partners, German-based Onlinefilm AG (granted €300,000) will lead a project of European documentaries to be downloaded on the website

A similar amount (€297,000) was given to the project Reelport, which brings together a total of 14 institutions for the development of a digital distribution platform of independent European cinema, also focusing on copyright management.

Lastly, CN Films, along with eight independent distribution companies, will lead the D-PLATFORM project, for which they have been awarded €166,000. D-PLATFORM is a promotion and distribution project of European titles using digital technology.

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(Translated from Spanish)

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