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Harry Potter sweeps up


As predicted, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix [+see also:
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is the most loved film by Italian audience (as well). The film by David Yates, strong on its 837 screens, broke the box office bank to take in (according to Cinetel data) just under €8m in five days – over €4m during the weekend alone – and continue a trend that began when the fifth instalment of the saga achieved a record for a Wednesday release.

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The heads of Warner Brothers and beyond are more than satisfied. For ANEM President Carlo Bernaschi, the results are confirmation that “when the offer is suitable, those who are still in the cities abandon their television sets for movie theatres”.

In a weekend that saw an overall box office of approximately €5.6m, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix recorded 80% of the total. Coming in from behind are US blockbusters (from the second-placed Transformers to number nine on the list, Pirates of the Caribbean), but the surprise is XXY [+see also:
film profile
by Lucìa Puenzo. Distributed by Teodora, the film is tenth at the box office with €20,000, for a total of €183,000 so far.

Beyond the top ten, Jacques Rivette’s Don’t Touch the Axe [+see also:
film profile
, released Friday on 17 screens by Mikado, is in at number 12 with €18,476 and a per screen average of €1,087.

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(Translated from Italian)

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