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Taking the pulse of the film industry


As all eyes of Spanish cinephiles were focused on the titles running for the Golden Shell at the San Sebastian Film Festival, this week the event also hosted a press conference aimed at taking the pulse of local production and distribution.

Headed by Pedro Pérez, president of the Spanish Federation of Audiovisual Producers (FAPAE), the conference confirmed expectations (see news): 2007 is so far a disappointing year results-wise, with local titles snagging no more than 7.4% of the market share, against 8.7% of the same period in 2006.

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While Pérez is optimistic that the share will increase through the end of 2007, as has happened in previous years, he nevertheless feels the market is unable to absorb the raise of local productions. "Too many films prevent a competitive theatrical career," he said. Ninety-five films were produced this year, against 73 in 2006.

Minister of Economy Pedro Solbes also presented the provisional General State Budget for 2008, which sets aside €105.12m for the film sector. This figure represents a 23.3% rise over the current year’s budget and includes approximately €85m targeted for the Cinema Protection Fund.

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