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CANNES 2002 Palmarès

Early Winners

- Brazil's Eduardo Valente wins Cinéfondation 2002 & Thai Apichatpong Weerasethakul wins Un certain regard

Thailand´s Apichatpong Weerasethakul won the prestigious sidebar section, Un Certain Regard, and takes home the Altadis Award for his second feature film, Sud Senaeha - Blissfully Yours.
The Cinéfondation Award jury, presided over by Martin Scorsese, assigned the first prize to a short Brazilian film, Un sol alaranjado - Quattre Jours by Eduardo Valente. The Cinéfondation Prize traditionally goes to the best movie by a student or young filmmaker. Eric Forestier´s Seule maman à les yeux bleus (France) and KG I nod och lust by Sweden´s Jens Jonsson shared second place, with She´elot shel po´el by Israeli Ava Somech third.

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