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AWARDS Switzerland

Specogna wins Grimme Award


The Short Life of José Antonio Gutierrez, the German/Swiss co-production (PS Film, TagTraum) by Swiss director Heidi Specogna, has won the Adolf Grimme Award for Best Screenplay and Best Director in the Information & Culture category. The prize will be presented on April 4 at a gala ceremony in Marl, in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Like her compatriot Christian Frei, who won the prize in 2003 for War Photographer, Specogna has picked up one of the most important distinctions awarded in Germany for television productions.

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A child of the streets of Guatemala who enlisted in the Marines in order to become a US citizen, José Antonio Gutierrez was the first US soldier killed in Iraq. Winner of the Swiss Film Prize for Best Documentary and released in 2007, the film retraces his tragic destiny.

German production Rose, by Swiss director Alain Gsponer, has won the Adolf Grimme Award in the Fiction section.

(Translated from French)

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