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Lars von Trier’s Antichrist gets German grant


Lars von Trier’s much anticipated horror film Antichrist has just received a €900,000 grant from Filmstiftung NRW in Germany’s North Rhine Wesphalia region, where the filmmaker will start shooting this summer.

Scripted by von Trier with Anders Thomas Jensen, the film will focus on a couple who retreat to a cabin in the woods to recover from the death of their child. A battle of the nerves will develop between the man and the woman, one of Trier’s favourite topics.

The film is produced by Meta Louise Foldager for Denmark’s Zentropa Entertainment, in co-production with Germany’s Zentropa International Köln, France’s Liberator2/Slot Machine and Italy’s Lucky Red.

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TrustNordisk, who is handling world sales, has already pre-sold the film to 25 territories, including Norway, Greece, Cyprus, Italy, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, all of the former Yugoslavian countries, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey and the Baltic states. The sales company is holding back on key territories until the cast is announced.

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