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Polls show kids are going to the movies


Italian youths aged 11-14 go to the cinema more often than to church, but less often than to shopping malls, according to Istituto Doxa in their research “Giovani e Cinema” (“Youths and Cinema”), commissioned by ANICA with support from the Ministry of Culture.

The poll – for which 1,216 young people were interviewed – also shows the tastes and habits of adolescents (15-19 years old) and young adults (up to 25), confirming the new generations’ growing familiarity with digital technology.

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Of those polled, 86.2% own a DVD player and 72.2% a personal computer. However, only 15% say they download films from the web, not many compared to those who surf sites such as YouTube or use MSN Messenger.

As for cinemas, more females than males go, but in general 73.7% say they’ve been once in the past six months, compared to 38.9% who go to the movies three times a month. Favorite genres are comedies, especially Italian comedies, followed by adventure titles and thrillers.

Young people’s choices are guided above all by word of mouth, especially among friends, although TV is important as well. Internet, however, is less influential: only 7.2% are convinced by specialised sites and forums.

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(Translated from Italian)

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