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Carlyle joins Edinburgh Patron cast


Actor Robert Carlyle, who just won the Best Performance Award at the recently concluded Edinburgh International Film Festival, has joined Sir Sean Connery and Tilda Swinton as a Festival Patron.

Carlyle was invited by Connery to join him and Swinton, the two other Patrons, at the close of the EIFF. Carlyle said, “It was a great honour to be asked by Sir Sean, and I am delighted to become a Patron of the EIFF - a festival that showcases the best of Scottish, British and international filmmaking.”

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EIFF Artistic Director Hannah McGill said, “Robert Carlyle has had a fascinating career - and continues to get better, as his extraordinary work in Summer shows. He is also a loyal supporter of the festival and a passionate advocate for the domestic industry. I am delighted to have such a charismatic and dedicated set of patrons and I really look forward to working with Robert.”

Sir Sean Connery added, “Robert Carlyle is a Scot we are all proud of and he has made his reputation as a most excellent actor at home and abroad. I am very pleased that he has agreed to become a Patron of the EIFF.”

Carlyle is a BAFTA-winning actor who has enjoyed many premieres at the EIFF including The Full Monty and Priest and this year’s Stone of Destiny and Summer, for which he won the award.

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