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Crothers-Gibson appointed BFFS Chair


The British Federation of Film Societies (BFFS) has appointed Julieanne Crothers-Gibson as its new chair. She is the Director of Policy Development at Northern Ireland Screen.

Penwith Film Society Secretary Donna Anton and Oxford University lecturer Dr Richard Grayson have been appointed Vice-Chairs.

Other BFFS Board appointments are BFI Royalties Manager Jim Dempster, Soundwork consultant Roger Drury, Sheffield Film Unit Senior Projectionist Clare Elliott, Scotland based freelance creative consultant Alan Knowles and Southampton Film Theatre Treasurer Adrian Pickering.

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Outgoing BFFS Chair David Miller said, “I’m delighted that the recruitment process attracted candidates of such high calibre and wide-ranging experience, and such obvious enthusiasm for the community exhibition sector. Under their direction I’m certain BFFS will continue to flourish.”

Crothers-Gibson said, “I am thrilled at my appointment to the position of BFFS Chair. David will be a difficult act to follow, but it will be an honour to serve with such a distinguished and experienced Board. I will relish the challenges ahead, as together we move forward to build on the already excellent achievements of the BFFS across the UK.”

The appointments are honorary but Board members may claim reasonable travel and subsistence. Each appointment will run for three years.

The BFFS was formed in 1946 to preserve, sustain and develop film society culture and its values, as an important element of the cultural heritage of the UK. It is a nodal point for over 14,000 film societies.

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