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Tales from Auschwitz


Seven years passed between the birth of the original idea and the start of production on Andrzej B. Czulda’s documentary Bajki z krainy piecow (“Tales from the Land of Ovens”). Inspired by the tales written and illustrated by the Auschwitz concentration camp prisoners, the film was finally made possible thanks to the collaboration and commitment of the Discovery Historia TVN network and the Polish Film Institute (PISF).

Produced by Lodz’s Wytwornia Filmow Oswiatowych (Educational Film Studio), Bajki z krainy piecow had its avant-première screening on Monday, January 12 at the Film Museum of the same city.

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This story would never have existed without the prisoners of KL Auschwitz, who risked their lives to copy the illustrations from a storybook found amongst the belongings taken from some gas chamber victims. Around 30 prisoners started producing small books, which were then secretly sent to the children waiting at home for the return of their fathers, uncles and grandfathers.

Among the books which inspired the film is the one sent by the director’s father to his eldest son, Czulda’s brother.

Bajki z krainy piecow was shot in Auschwitz and lensed by Jacek Siwecki. The film features appearances by the children of former prisoners, to whom the books were dedicated.

The film received the President’s Award from the Polish Filmmakers Association at the Lodz Media Festival in November 2008.

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(Translated from French)

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