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LEGISLATION Italy / Europe

Two ideas for combating online piracy in EU


Interrupting Internet service to anyone illegally downloading films (following two warnings) or paying royalties for one’s Internet service, which would allow for legal downloading of all content, were the ideas put forth to combat file sharing at the ANICA headquarters in Rome on February 10, during a round table on protecting the rights of filmmakers in the European Union.

Adopting the “warning model” already implemented in France was also proposed in the UK but recently the MP for Higher Education and Intellectual Property, David Lammy, opposed this, with regard to music. He said: "The government will not force Internet service providers to persecute file sharers".

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Brigitte Zypries, Germany’s Federal Minister of Justice, concurs. She has said that the French law "cannot be the model – for Germany or the rest of Europe".

(Translated from Italian)

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