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Iberians worried by American competition


Anxiety is rife amongst Spain’s independent distribution companies. The four that make up Adicine the Iberian association of independent film distributors, namely Alta Films, Vértigo Films, Golem Distribución and Wanda Visión are extremely worried about the financial side effects on their industry caused by Spanish TV's current film acquisition policy. Between them, these four companies distribute independent films from Europe, Asia and Latin America. “Although we produce films that are extremely popular and are the objects of huge critical attention, our television companies don’t seem to care,” said Andrés Martin of Vértigo Film.
According to Adicine, the main reason for the current state of affairs is the large number of north-American films bought by the multinationals, that flood and take over the Spanish television market.
The association’s protest is clear: “We want there to be room for European films both on our television channels and on the future digital platform (the announced merger of Spain’s two digital television companies, Canal Satélite Digital owned by Canal Plus, and Telefónica’s Vía Digital, into a single platform). We believe that it is the duty and obligation of all television companies, both public and private, to dedicate space to non-USA films as well.”

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