Spice Factory Ltd. [UK] Production Companies 14 Regent Hill, Brighton BN1 3EDtel: (44) 1273 739182fax: (44) 1273 749122e-mail (The article continues below - Commercial information) FILMS 2006Perfect Creature2005Beowulf and GrendelGuy XThe River King2004Head in the CloudsTHE MERCHANT OF VENICE2003THE BRIDGE OF SAN LUIS REYA Different LoyaltyTHE EMPEROR'S WIFETHE LAST SIGNTHE STATEMENTStrayed2002AnazaptaMarried/UnmarriedMoonlightOUT OF BOUNDSRIDERS2001The Baby Juice ExpressBollywood QueenMR IN-BETWEENPLOTS WITH A VIEW2000REDEMPTION ROAD (The article continues below - Commercial information)