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updated 01/04/2011

Presentation & Philosophy:

Founded in 1988, ZeLIG School of Documentary, Television and New Media is a non-profit educational centre specialised in training in the documentary field.

ZeLIG runs a three-year professional training course in documentary filmmaking funded by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano through the Council for Professional Training in Italian/German/Ladin languages, where courses are held in three languages: Italian, German and English.

ZeLIG considers multi-language skills a key to taking advantage of opportunities on a European scale. Indeed, ZeLIG is a meeting point for students and teachers from throughout Europe, bringing together a world of diverse outlooks and work methods. An important part of ZeLIG’s mission is its creative focus on this multi-lingual, multi-cultural tradition.

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All ZeLIG instructors are active film and television sector professionals, and offer students direct feedback from the real world on the latest developments in the audiovisual sector. ZeLIG training aims to prepare students for the job market, and provides the tools for quick and easy introduction into the professional world.

ZeLIG also offers courses for professionals in project development and pitching, such as ESoDoc - European Social Documentary, an EU Media training initiative which focuses on a special genre of documentary production that is particularly suitable for the new multi-platform world: documentaries that draw attention to human rights, social justice and environmental protection, particularly in the developing world.

ZeLIG is a member of the European and International Association of Cinema Schools, GEECT and CILECT, the German documentary association AG DOK, the Italian Doc/it and EDN, the European Documentary Network.

Number of students/ full-time/ part-time workshops: 30 students involved in full-time seminars

Number of international students: The students come from all over the world: Europe, Africa, America, Asia.

Degree category / length of studies: 3-year diploma in three majors: directing/project development, filming/lighting and editing/post-production.

Programme objective and content:

ZeLIG offers a three-year training programme. The first year of the programme covers basic training in directing, cinematography, sound, the history of documentary film, dramaturgy and production. Years two and three focus on the development of each student’s specialisation: directing/project development, cinematography/lighting, and editing/post-production. The third year is dedicated exclusively to the completion of a student thesis film. During their studies, all students must complete an internship lasting at least two months.

ZeLIG does not follow any one single school of documentary filmmaking, but encourages students to explore different styles, aesthetic approaches and traditions. Instructors from German, Italian and English-speaking countries offer students a lively approach to international cinema and television culture. By covering all aspects of film production, ZeLIG does not train specialists in one field only, but rather prepares students to work as camera operators, editors and directors with technical and dramaturgical skills which may be put to use throughout the audiovisual industries.

All ZeLIG instructors are active professionals in the film and television sectors, and offer students direct feeback from the real world on the latest developments in the audiovisual market. ZeLIG training aims to prepare students for the job market, providing them with the tools for a quick and easy entry into the professional world.

Admission: ZeLIG seminars are conducted in chronological order, with registration open only once every three years. The admissions process is split into two phases. A tri-lingual exam committee will select from all applications up to 50 applicants, who will be invited to Bolzano to take part in a series of admissions exams, which will last 5 to 6 days.

Degree requirements: High school diploma. This may be waived in cases of exceptional talent. Diplomas received abroad must be comparable to Italian high school diploma requirements.

School Information:
ZeLIG – School of Documentary, Television and New Media
Address: Via Brennero 20/d 39100 Bolzano, Italy

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