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Valand Academy

updated 07/06/2016

Valand Academy (University of Gothenburg) - Sweden

Presentation & Philosophy:

The film programmes are part of the Valand Academy, University of Gothenburg. The school's vision is to educate filmmakers who express themselves in a personal film language and who are well aware of what their approach is with regard to artistic expression and artistic research.

Our goal is to strengthen the quality and to increase the breadth and diversity in the entire field of the moving image. This means that we prioritise the development of filmic means of expression in both feature film and documentary film. In order for work to include visual experiments of artistic excellence as well as filmic projects of the everyday kind, students will be offered an abundance of varying approaches and methods.

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The guiding principle of our programmes is to express the diversity and complexity of human and the world she lives in. Our school's core philosophy is to be part of the new position film and the moving image is taking in the development of our society, and work for equality and humanistic values.

Degree category / length of studies:
BFA (Bachelor of Fine Arts): Full-time studies, three academic years
MFA (Master of Fine Arts): Full-time studies, one academic year


Programme objective and content

BFA programme in independent filmmaking - directing and producing

Filmmaking is a collaborative process in which the ability to cooperate is of vital importance. The students are encouraged both to develop their own independent powers of critical thinking and to find their own personal stance in relation to research and development in the art of cinematic narrative.

Practical and theoretical training are offered in workshop and seminar form, and are based on a methodology whereby learning is problem-based. Exams are in the form of continuous assessment and take place in directing seminars held by our teachers. These seminars are attended by all the students and teachers for each respective programme and year.

Since our emphasis is on visual narration as a whole, we make no distinction between feature and documentary films.

During the first year, coursework concentrates on the basic methodologies of film and moving pictures, as well as cinematic representation and imagery in documentary films. In the second year, training has a free-ranging kind of approach, providing advanced experience of film narration through feature film projects. Studies in the third year become increasingly individualised and are orientated towards professional life and film production. As part of their advanced studies, students complete a project of their own choice, a degree project and a final essay.

This programme is based on alternating practical work and theoretical subjects. The latter include studies in film history, film analysis and drama, as well as policy matters related to the world of film, the world of the arts and the world of media. This programme is run in close collaboration with the Academy of Music and Drama, where courses in acting and directing for the camera are offered. Six students are admitted to this programme every other year.

Master of Fine Arts in Film - with specialisation in Processes of Filmmaking

One-year full-time programme (60 higher education credits)

The programme includes a full academic year (60 higher education credits). The language of education is Swedish but occasional lectures will be in English.

Master of Fine Arts in Film – with specialisation in Processes of Filmmaking is intended for persons working within the field of film, image, sound or art that wish to develop the knowledge and ability to reflect upon their own and others’ cinematic processes.

The studies are based on the student’s own work and aims to deepen the knowledge and the ability to reflect upon cinematic processes from an approach and a perspective of ethics, aesthetics, method, structure and visualisation.

The studies also focus on the entrepreneurial activity of identifying possibilities and creating resources to realize your ideas.

The programme consists of mandatory course parts; group tutorials in the form of filmic discussions, seminars, lectures and self-studies of the project one has formulated.

Both teachers, guest artists, theorists and other people working within the field of film and art in the public space, give tuition.

The Master of Fine Arts is research preparatory.

To be eligible to apply you need a Bachelor's degree of Arts in media, fine arts, film or film studies and you need at least 180 credits or a similar documented experience. This knowledge and these skills are tested during the enrollment process.

The programme will lead to a Degree of Master of Fine Arts (60 credits) in Film – with specialisation in Processes of Filmmaking, provided that the student passes the courses of the programme and meets other formal requirements.

The Valand Academy is part of the Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts, which enables the possibility of cooperation with other artistic programmes and departments.


Entry Requirements:

The language of instruction in all programmes is Swedish. Excellent skills in written and spoken Swedish are essential. A complete leaving certificate from upper secondary school is required together with documented experience of creative work in filmmaking. The admission procedure consists of a written application, interviews and entrance tests. It is conducted over a long period of time. During part of the process, applicants are required to come to the school in person, at their own expense. There are many applicants to our programmes; only a limited number of students are, however, finally admitted.

We only accepts applications for entire programmes. We are not able to accept students on an exchange programme basis.


Contact information:
Valand Academy
P.O. Box 132

Vasagatan 50, 405 30 Gothenburg, Sweden
Phone: +46-31 786 61 68

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