Series Reviews

92 series reviews available in total starting from 12/07/2018. Last updated on 18/09/2024. 30 series reviews inserted in the last 12 months.

The New Years by Rodrigo Sorogoyen, David Martín de los Santos, Sandra Romero


VENICE 2024: Rodrigo Sorogoyen, Sara Cano and Paula Fabra present a stunning and moving series about relationships and their setbacks  

Los años nuevos

Los años nuevos

Families Like Ours by Thomas Vinterberg


VENICE 2024: In his heartfelt debut miniseries, Thomas Vinterberg sends six million Danes off towards homelessness and statelessness  

Familier Som Vores

Familier Som Vores

Endangered Species by Bruno Deville


Bruno Deville's latest series offers a convergence of personal and environmental turmoil within a small Swiss community  

Espèce menacée

Espèce menacée

Bellas Artes by Mariano Cohn, Andrés Duprat, Gastón Duprat


Gastón Duprat and Mariano Cohn once again take on the most universal miseries of the modern world with help from a cast that rises to the occasion  

Bellas Artes

Bellas Artes

Disko 76 by Benjamin Benedict, Linda Brieda, Lars Montag, Sinah Swyter


The German mini-series created by Benjamin Benedict, Linda Brieda, Lars Montag and Sinah Swyter emits a real feel-good vibe, drawing on the codes of sitcom and nostalgic, retro charm  

Disko 76

Disko 76

Soviet Jeans by Staņislavs Tokalovs, Teodora Markova, Waldemar Kalinowski


The series created by Stanislavs Tokalovs, Teodora Markova and Waldemar Kalinovskila veers from romance to jailbreak story in an occupied but aspirational Riga  

Padomju džinsi

Padomju džinsi

Dates In Real Life by Jakob Rørvik


Sparks fly between the virtual and the real in this romantic and sociological comedy from Norway, created by Jakob Rorvik  

Dates In Real Life

Dates In Real Life

Extra. by Mathieu Bernard, Jonathan Hazan


Jonathan Hazan and Matthieu Bernard’s series tackles the taboo subject of sexual assistance for people with disabilities through the prism of a family comedy  



Boarders by Daniel Lawrence Taylor


Daniel Lawrence Taylor offers a fresh and incisive exploration of social mobility and identity through the lens of gifted yet disadvantaged black teenagers at an elite boarding school  



8 Months by Jens Jonsson, Johan Lundin


The Swedish thriller created by Jens Jonsson, Henrik Thörnebäck and Jörgen Bergmark will please Borgen fans  

8 Months

8 Months

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