Series Reviews

89 series reviews available in total starting from 12/07/2018. Last updated on 13/05/2024. 28 series reviews inserted in the last 12 months.

La línea invisible by Abel García Roure


Mariano Barroso avails himself of a cast of first-rate actors, toplined by Antonio de la Torre and Álex Monner, and a somewhat classical narrative as he recreates the origins of ETA  

La línea invisible

La línea invisible

Veneno by Javier Ambrossi, Javier Calvo


Javier Calvo and Javier Ambrossi write, direct and produce a series based on the life, works and miracles of the famous titular Spanish transsexual  



Unorthodox by Alexa Karolinski, Anna Winger


Maria Schrader tells the compelling story of a young woman in a Hasidic community fighting for her liberation  



Ragnarok by Adam Price


The Danish miniseries combines an environmental message with Norse mythology and superhero adventures  



Luna Nera by Francesca Manieri, Laura Paolucci, Tiziana Triana


Available from 31 January, the new Italian Netflix Original series looks back at a dark time in our History - the phenomenon of witch-hunting – and re-writes it by way of the fantasy genre  

Luna Nera

Luna Nera

Savages by Rebecca Zlotowski


Rebecca Zlotowski delivers an ambitious and hard-hitting adaptation of Sabri Louatah’s saga, a veritable social and political epic shown at Brussels’ Are You Series? festival  

Les sauvages

Les sauvages

Foodie Love by Isabel Coixet


Isabel Coixet invites us to sample the delights of a romance-infused gastronomic menu with a sprinkling of Laia Costa and Guillermo Pfening, taking in Barcelona, Tokyo and France  

Foodie Love

Foodie Love

The Neighbor by Miguel Esteban, Raúl Navarro


Nacho Vigalondo brings his brand of humour to this Netflix original; starring Quim Gutiérrez and Clara Lago, it’s an adaptation of the comic book series by Santiago García and Pepo Pérez  

El vecino

El vecino

Perfect Life by Leticia Dolera


Leticia Dolera writes, directs and stars in eight lively episodes that bring us up close and personal with three women in crisis, in all their unfiltered, delusional and conflicted glory  

Vida perfecta

Vida perfecta

The New Pope by Paolo Sorrentino


VENICE 2019: Paolo Sorrentino’s follow-up to The Young Pope sees John Malkovich take the top job in Rome  

The New Pope

The New Pope

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