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Berlinale 2004 / Competition

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8 articles available in total starting from 06/02/2004. Last article published on 14/02/2004.

25 gradi a Berlino

The closing film being shown in competition at the 54th edition of the Berlinale was 25 degrés en hiver by Stéphane Vuillet. The comedy by the Belgium director, and author of three short films,...  

14/02/2004 | Berlinale 2004 | Competition

Eric Rohmer's secret

Applause for the French maestro, who won over the public at the Berlin Festival with his Triple agent, set in a tumultuous Paris in the mid 1930s  

13/02/2004 | Berlinale 2004 | Competition

From Akin to Angelopoulos

Romuald Karmakar lost control after the umpteenth nasty question at the stormy press conference following the screening of Nightsongs, a film reminiscent of Fassbinder’s style, based on the play...  

12/02/2004 | Berlinale 2004 | Competition

Love, Death and Cows

There was a chilly reaction both for the Spanish film The Life Awaiting for You by the veteran Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón and for the thriller and Simenon adaptation, Red Lights, by the French...  

11/02/2004 | Berlinale 2004 | Competition

Garrone's indigestible love

Interview with the young Italian director whose follow up to The Embalmer, is yet another disturbing story of a couple, called Primo amore  

09/02/2004 | Berlinale 2004 | Competition

Scandinavian Pains

The 3rd day of competition at the Berlin Film Festival opens with two Scandinavian films: Beautiful Country by Norwegian Hans Petter Moland and In your hands by the Dane, Annette K. Olesen  

08/02/2004 | Berlinale 2004 | Competition

Love and Apartheid

The horrors, forgiveness and reconciliation of South Africa, post Apartheid. Country of My Skull by John Boorman, with Juliette Binoche & Samuel L. Jackson is shown in competition  

07/02/2004 | Berlinale 2004 | Competition

The seduction of Sandrine

The festival’s first day has a distinctly European flavour: the international competition opened with presentations of Daybreak by the Swede Bjön Runge and Too Much Information by Patrice Leconte,...  

06/02/2004 | Berlinale 2004 | Competition

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