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Berlinale 2010 / Forum

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6 articles available in total starting from 20/01/2010. Last article published on 19/02/2010.

Eastern Drift: Globalization according to Bartas

Mixed reactions followed the Berlin premiere of the latest film by Sharunas Bartas, Eastern Drift, which screened in the parallel section Forum des Jungen Film. The superstar Lithuanian director...  

19/02/2010 | Berlinale 2010 | Forum

Waiting for the End

At the 60th Berlinale, where very few Spanish films are showing, the Forum section presented Luis Sampieri’s End, whose title refers both to the culmination and end-aim, as the...  

17/02/2010 | Berlinale 2010 | Forum

Head Cold intimate diary of mental illness

In German/Hungarian co-production Head Cold, presented at Berlinale in the Forum section, German-Hungarian director Gamma Bak engages in a unique experience: she films, over almost 20 years, a...  

15/02/2010 | Berlinale 2010 | Forum

Orly, ready for boarding

The press screening of Angela Schanelek’s Orly, presented in the Forum section at the Berlinale, was as crowded as the Parisian airport of its title, which the film practically never leaves. Orly...  

13/02/2010 | Berlinale 2010 | Forum

Hajdu in line-up with Bibliothèque Pascal

After the Cannes Directors’ Fortnight in 2006 with White Palms, Hungarian director Szabolcs Hajdu will continue to grace parallel sections of major international festivals at the upcoming...  

21/01/2010 | Berlinale 2010 | Forum/Hungary

40th Forum selects 17 European films

The 40th Forum section at the Berlinale is marked by the low-key presence of major European filmmaking countries, which have this year made way for an impressive selection of Asian titles....  

20/01/2010 | Berlinale 2010 | Forum

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