Dokufest 2021 (The article continues below - Commercial information) 3 articles available in total starting from 17/08/2021. Last article published on 18/08/2021. Review: Telenovela: Grey-Scale in ColorFilip Martinović's first feature is an an engaging autobiographical docufiction hybrid with meta elements and a subtle but definitely present social aspect 18/08/2021 | Dokufest 2021Review: RampartMarko Grba Singh's first feature is an intricate and often exhilarating auto-biographical documentary based on old home videos from the 1999 NATO bombing of Serbia 18/08/2021 | Locarno 2021 | Out of CompetitionWe and Reconciliation triumph at DokuFest in PrizrenAlice Diop's and Marija Zidar's films have won in the International and Balkan competitions, respectively, other laureates include Rampart, Our Memory Belongs to Us, White on White 17/08/2021 | Dokufest 2021 | Awards