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Fantasia 2021

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7 articles available in total starting from 20/05/2021. Last article published on 31/08/2021.

Review: Martyrs Lane

Review: Martyrs Lane

In her third feature, director Ruth Platt lets the right one in  

31/08/2021 | Fantasia 2021

Ruth Platt • Director of Martyrs Lane

Interview: Ruth Platt • Director of Martyrs Lane

“I find it interesting when people say they don’t like horror; I need it!”

In the British filmmaker’s third feature, you need not worry about what’s out in the woods, as chances are, what’s inside of your house is much worse  

12/08/2021 | Fantasia 2021

Review: Bull

Review: Bull

Paul Andrew Williams’ violent revenge tale feels familiar until it takes a sudden, and welcome, swerve into bonkers territory  

10/08/2021 | Fantasia 2021

Rasmus Merivoo • Director of Kratt

Interview: Rasmus Merivoo • Director of Kratt

“In some ways, my film is like a nature documentary: you show how little people live, how the world affects them and how they affect the world”

We talked to the Estonian director about his film, which is really for the whole family, even though parents might need to answer some questions after the screening  

10/08/2021 | Fantasia 2021

Review: Kratt

Review: Kratt

It’s alive! In his bloody family film, Rasmus Merivoo delivers every workaholic’s biggest nightmare  

06/08/2021 | Fantasia 2021

Run for your life, as Fantasia adds more European gems to its line-up

Run for your life, as Fantasia adds more European gems to its line-up

Bull by Paul Andrew Williams and The Deep House by Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Maury will shake up the viewers of the Montreal-based festival  

22/07/2021 | Fantasia 2021

As Fantasia unveils its first wave of programming, vampires and Estonian demonic spirits are in

As Fantasia unveils its first wave of programming, vampires and Estonian demonic spirits are in

The 25th edition of the largest North American genre festival will welcome Estonia’s Kratt and new takes on those good ol’ bloodsuckers, courtesy of Igor Legarreta and Joann Sfar  

20/05/2021 | Fantasia 2021

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