Jihlava 2021 (The article continues below - Commercial information) 22 articles available in total starting from 20/11/2020. Last article published on 24/11/2021. page: [1] 2 3 next Interview: Barbora Sliepková • Director of Lines"I imagine Bratislava as an aquarium, an incubator, a playground"The emerging Slovak filmmaker talks about her award-winning visual urban symphony revolving around the Slovak capital 24/11/2021 | Jihlava 2021REPORT: Czech Joy in the Spotlight @ Ji.hlava 2021The industry panel showcased the newest domestic documentary works that premiered during this year's Ji.hlava IDFF 08/11/2021 | Jihlava 2021 | Jihlava IndustryNew Visions Forum launched at Ji.hlavaTwenty-one European and 16 US documentary or documentary-related projects have been pitched at the first edition of the forum at the Czech festival 04/11/2021 | Jihlava 2021 | Jihlava IndustryReview: When You Are Close to MeLaura Viezzoli closely observes the patients and carers in a facility that deals with deaf-blindness and other sensory impairments 02/11/2021 | Jihlava 2021Review: You Are Ceauşescu to MeSebastian Mihăilescu’s documentary is less about the dictator and more about contemporary youth establishing a relationship with a page of history 02/11/2021 | Jihlava 2021Review: LinesForget the sex; in her Ji.hlava winner, Barbora Sliepková finds tenderness in the city 02/11/2021 | Jihlava 2021Lines crowned as Ji.hlava’s championBarbora Sliepková’s doc bagged three awards in the main competition; You Are Ceauşescu to Me and Brotherhood were also among the winners of multiple gongs 02/11/2021 | Jihlava 2021 | AwardsReview: Points for the President aka Attempt at CounterrevolutionMartin Kohout examines what’s left of the Velvet Revolution, ending up with a more universal tale than one would dare to expect 29/10/2021 | Jihlava 2021Interview: Marek Hovorka • Director, Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival“We are a big festival in a small town”We talked to the festival director about the past, present and future of the Czech event, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year 29/10/2021 | Jihlava 2021Interview: Martin Mareček • Director of Out in Force“We used to say it was a story about a man who wanted to be Superman but who became Genderman instead”In his documentary, the Czech filmmaker and teacher takes a closer look at film critic-turned-bodybuilder Kamil Fila 29/10/2021 | Jihlava 2021 page: [1] 2 3 next (The article continues below - Commercial information)