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Visions du Réel 2023

20 articles available in total starting from 09/01/2023. Last article published on 09/05/2023.

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Review: Knit’s Island

Review: Knit’s Island

Ekiem Barbier, Guilhem Causse and Quentin L’helgoualc’h transport us to a world where reality and metaverse fight to maintain a precarious and eternally jeopardised balance  

09/05/2023 | Visions du Réel 2023

Review: Al Djanat, the Original Paradise

Review: Al Djanat, the Original Paradise

Burkinabé filmmaker Chloé Aïcha Boro tells her complicated family story in a sober, thoughtful and intriguing way  

09/05/2023 | Hot Docs 2023

Review: The Mountains

Review: The Mountains

In his first feature, Christian Einshøj deals with a tragedy that is slowly tearing his family apart and his attempt to salvage something that seems long lost  

08/05/2023 | Hot Docs 2023

Peter Mettler scoops the Visions du Réel Grand Prize

Peter Mettler scoops the Visions du Réel Grand Prize

The Swiss-Canadian director’s movie While the Green Grass Grows triumphed in the International Competition while French film Knit’s Island bagged the Burning Lights’ main award  

02/05/2023 | Visions du Réel 2023 | Awards

Review: Sundial

Review: Sundial

Estonian director Liis Nimik’s documentary is a primal, oneiric film that subverts audiences’ expectations, portraying the state of nature and everything that's connected within it  

02/05/2023 | Hot Docs 2023

Review: Nights Gone By

Review: Nights Gone By

Alberto Martín Menacho’s first feature film introduces us to daily life in a seemingly sleepy village in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula  

28/04/2023 | Visions du Réel 2023

Review: Caiti Blues

Review: Caiti Blues

The French-Canadian co-production by Justine Harbonnier shows the daily life of Caiti, musician and waitress in her spare time, as she tries to take back control over her life  

27/04/2023 | Visions du Réel 2023

Review: Fauna

Review: Fauna

Pau Faus’ second feature film catapults us into a world where human beings try to survive personal and global crises as best they can  

27/04/2023 | Visions du Réel 2023

Review: While the Green Grass Grows

Review: While the Green Grass Grows

The latest effort by Swiss-Canadian documentary-maker Peter Mettler is a meditation on fate, fragility and the profound nature of human relations  

27/04/2023 | Visions du Réel 2023

Review: Dreamers

Review: Dreamers

Stephanie Barbey and Luc Peter’s third feature film tries to restore the dignity of two and a half million Americans known as “dreamers”  

27/04/2023 | Visions du Réel 2023

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