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Berlinale 2016

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123 articles available in total starting from 14/10/2015. Last article published on 23/02/2016.

Jamais contente and My Revolution in the Generation section at Berlin

Jamais contente and My Revolution in the Generation section at Berlin

Both centring on teenagers, the films by Emilie Deleuze and Ramzi Ben Sliman have been selected in the programme of the parallel section at the Berlinale  

14/01/2016 | Berlinale 2016 | France

Siv Sleeps Astray, but will wake up for the Berlinale

Siv Sleeps Astray, but will wake up for the Berlinale

Catti Edfeldt and Lena Hanno Clyne’s new film will have its world premiere at Berlin, while Rasmus A Sivertsen’s The Big Cheese Race has taken 370,000 local admissions  

14/01/2016 | Berlinale 2016 | Sweden/Norway

Berlin tops off the programme of its immense Generation section

Berlin tops off the programme of its immense Generation section

Berlin’s youth sidebar will this year present 63 features and shorts representing 35 countries, split between the Generation 14+ and Generation Kplus sub-sections  

13/01/2016 | Berlinale 2016 | Generation

Cartas da guerra sets its sights on the Golden Bear

Cartas da guerra sets its sights on the Golden Bear

Ivo Ferreira’s latest film adapts the letters that a young soldier sent to his wife during Portugal’s Colonial War  

12/01/2016 | Berlinale 2016 | Portugal

Thomas Vinterberg vies for the Golden Bear with The Commune

Thomas Vinterberg vies for the Golden Bear with The Commune

Vinterberg’s new film, based on his own experiences, has been selected for the main competition at Berlin, ahead of its local opening on Thursday  

12/01/2016 | Berlinale 2016 | Denmark

Mia Hansen-Løve and André Téchiné in the running for the Golden Bear

Mia Hansen-Løve and André Téchiné in the running for the Golden Bear

Things to Come and Being 17 will represent France in competition, along with the majority production Death in Sarajevo  

12/01/2016 | Berlinale 2016 | France

Fire at Sea by Gianfranco Rosi in competition at Berlin

Fire at Sea by Gianfranco Rosi in competition at Berlin

The new documentary by the winner of the Golden Lion was filmed on the island of Lampedusa, the landing place of thousands of migrants in search of freedom  

12/01/2016 | Berlinale 2016 | Italy

Nine more films in competition at Berlin

Nine more films in competition at Berlin

Europe makes a grand entrance with its candidates for the Bears, representing both north and south  

11/01/2016 | Berlinale 2016 | Selection

Arizona riding a powerful wave

Arizona riding a powerful wave

Nine titles are in the pipeline for the Paris-based outfit, which co-produced and is selling the Czech film I, Olga Hepnarova, selected in the Panorama at Berlin  

18/12/2015 | Berlinale 2016 | France

The first 12 titles of the Berlinale Panorama unveiled

The first 12 titles of the Berlinale Panorama unveiled

The new films by John Michael McDonagh and Bouli Lanners are among the selected flicks  

18/12/2015 | Berlinale 2016 | Panorama

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