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1822 articles available in total starting from 24/05/2002. Last article published on 24/09/2024.

Cartoon Forum in Halle

The Master on financing organised by Cartoon (the European animation film society) in Halle, Germany ended yesterday. The hundred participants from 19 countries took advantage of this meeting to...  

28/06/2005 | Industry | Europe

MEDIA Salles: 'Will digital technology save the cinema?'

From today until the 30th of June, the Amsterdam 'Cinema Expo International' presents Focus on Europe, an event organised every year by MEDIA Salles. This event will open with a seminar entitled...  

27/06/2005 | Distribution | Europe

European Festivals debate digital film

The European Coordination of Film Festivals organises tomorrow at the ISELP (Institut Supérieur pour l'Etude du Langage Plastique) in Brussels a day of presentations and debates on "digital film"....  

23/06/2005 | Events | Europe

State aids: An exemption rule for film funds?

In the guidelines for state aid policies approved by the European Commission on the 7th of June, the Commission explicitly refers to a possibility for film funds to benefit from an exemption rule...  

17/06/2005 | Funding | Europe

The highs and low of European subsidy

What inspires the decision-makers of the European Union when it comes to the politics of support and related issues with regard to the film industry in Europe? The specialist French online...  

16/06/2005 | Institutions | Europe

The European Audiovisual Observatory 'defines' future prospects

The European Audiovisual Observatory, created in 1992 in order to collect and publish all kinds of (legal, statistical, etc.) information on the European film industry (in 35 countries) took the...  

27/05/2005 | Institutions | Europe

Cinema: National film agencies from all Europe unite

During the Cannes Film Festival, the directors of all the European national film agencies gathered and published a common declaration to reassert ‘the necessity for public funding of film in...  

25/05/2005 | Funding | Europe

Production is stable and admissions are rising

A report published on the 4th of May by the European Audiovisual Observatory shows that European cinema is rather healthy, both in terms of production and admissions, especially the latter. In...  

06/05/2005 | Industry | Europe

The future of the MEDIA Programme

Tomorrow, Ruth Hieronymi, German MP at the European Parliament, will present a proposal for the new MEDIA Programme (covering the period 2007 – 2013) to her fellow-deputees. Amongst the most...  

18/04/2005 | Institutions | Europe

European cinema on the road

The European Coordination of Film Festivals is launching the second part of its world tour. After Hong Kong, it will stop by the Singapore International Film Festival which starts today and...  

14/04/2005 | International Festival | Europe

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