Production / Denmark (The article continues below - Commercial information) 285 articles available in total starting from 06/06/2002. Last article published on 14/06/2019. previous page: 1 2 3 ... 27 28 [29] Zentropa’s DogumentaryThe Danish Film Institute is supporting Zentropa’s latest initiative in which six prominent Scandinavian directors have agreed to make films adhering to the nine rules in Lars von Trier’s... 15/11/2002 | Production | Denmark4 Danish filmmakers go it alone"Fine & Mellow" is the result of a desire for more direct control over projects. Rembrandt, their first feature will shortly be released onto Danish screens 07/10/2002 | Production | DenmarkZentropa "regional funding"Copenhagen's prolific producer, Peter Allbaek Jensen, calls for more money for regional films 20/09/2002 | Production | DenmarkDenmark's HollywoodDespite the European Com-munity’s funding cuts, Project FilmFyn for a “film production city” continues 19/09/2002 | Production | DenmarkDenmark is to moveDanish Film Institute backs two co-productions with German Zentropa and supports new local films 06/06/2002 | Production | Denmark previous page: 1 2 3 ... 27 28 [29] (The article continues below - Commercial information)