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Berlinale 2016

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123 articles available in total starting from 14/10/2015. Last article published on 23/02/2016.

News from Planet Mars: A flaw in the system

News from Planet Mars: A flaw in the system

BERLIN 2016: Dominik Moll recycles his fondness for anxiety-inducing atmospheres with intelligence and humour in an off-the-wall comedy with brilliant performances  

18/02/2016 | Berlinale 2016 | Out of competition

In Your Dreams!: An imaginative coming-of-age story for youngsters and adults

In Your Dreams!: An imaginative coming-of-age story for youngsters and adults

BERLIN 2016: Czech producer and filmmaker Petr Oukropec has unveiled his sophomore feature in the Generation 14plus section of Berlin  

17/02/2016 | Berlinale 2016 | Generation 14plus

Three projects win awards at the Berlinale Co-Production Market

Three projects win awards at the Berlinale Co-Production Market

BERLIN 2016: Eurimages, VFF and ARTE honour Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman, Tank and Memories from the Cell at the EFM  

17/02/2016 | Berlinale 2016 | Market

A dynamic EFM for French sellers

A dynamic EFM for French sellers

BERLIN 2016: There have been plenty of deals for Things to Come, Agnus Dei and the upcoming Farhadi, Haneke, Dumont and Ostlund films, among countless other titles  

17/02/2016 | Berlinale 2016 | Market

Genius: the American novelist whisperer

Genius: the American novelist whisperer

BERLIN 2016: A British team presents a visceral and spot-on tribute to the editor at Scribner’s who first heard the barbaric yawp of the Great American Novel  

17/02/2016 | Berlinale 2016 | Competition

An Outpost of Progress: the hallucinated past

An Outpost of Progress: the hallucinated past

BERLIN 2016: Portuguese director Hugo Vieira da Silva broaches the subject of colonialism with a free narrative, strong vision, references to silent film and elements of the absurd  

17/02/2016 | Berlinale 2016 | Forum

Aloys, a virtual portrait of an extraordinary man

Aloys, a virtual portrait of an extraordinary man

BERLIN 2016: The latest mysterious feature film by Swiss filmmaker Tobias Nölle had its world premiere in the prestigious Panorama section of the Berlinale  

17/02/2016 | Berlinale 2016 | Panorama

Cottbus gives out two prizes during the Berlinale

Cottbus gives out two prizes during the Berlinale

BERLIN 2016: Macedonia's Marija Dimitrova and Croatia's Dalibor Matanic have received prizes from the FilmFestival Cottbus and connecting cottbus  

17/02/2016 | Berlinale 2016 | Market

Humidity: An ambiguous drama with the tension of a thriller

Humidity: An ambiguous drama with the tension of a thriller

BERLIN 2016: Serbian director Nikola Ljuca's new atmospheric drama has world-premiered in the Forum section of the Berlinale  

17/02/2016 | Berlinale 2016 | Forum

Soy Nero: Rafi Pitts stigmatises the way Americans behave towards the ‘Other’

Soy Nero: Rafi Pitts stigmatises the way Americans behave towards the ‘Other’

BERLIN 2016: American day at the Berlinale kicked off on a critical note with a film about a young Mexican who wants to be a "Green Card soldier"  

17/02/2016 | Berlinale 2016 | Competition

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