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Cannes 2016 / Market

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69 articles available in total starting from 05/02/2016. Last article published on 30/05/2016.

Beyond Cinema: The Swiss Digital Revolution takes hold at NEXT

Beyond Cinema: The Swiss Digital Revolution takes hold at NEXT

CANNES NEXT: A showcase of the most innovative Swiss virtual-reality projects, presented by the Festival Tous Écrans  

14/05/2016 | Cannes 2016 | Market

NEXT presents Virtual Reality and Cinema: Opportunities for Monetisation

NEXT presents Virtual Reality and Cinema: Opportunities for Monetisation

CANNES NEXT: Five VR experts addressed the possibilities of virtual reality, as well as its relationship with traditional cinema  

14/05/2016 | Cannes 2016 | Market

Cannes Film Market to host the Frontières Day

Cannes Film Market to host the Frontières Day

CANNES 2016: Frontières@Fantasia announces a first wave of projects and the industry registration opening  

13/05/2016 | Cannes 2016 | Market

Non-stop North American sales for French exporters

Non-stop North American sales for French exporters

CANNES 2016: With Paul Verhoeven’s Elle and the projects Rodin and Lean on Pete, French sales agents are really causing sparks to fly  

13/05/2016 | Cannes 2016 | Market

NEXT presents Fan Club and Next in VR Focus Made in Luxembourg

NEXT presents Fan Club and Next in VR Focus Made in Luxembourg

CANNES NEXT: The event has showcased two cutting-edge VR projects, courtesy of the Film Fund Luxembourg  

13/05/2016 | Cannes 2016 | Market

South-East European countries join forces at the Cannes Film Market

South-East European countries join forces at the Cannes Film Market

For the seventh year, eight countries from South-East Europe are welcoming film professionals to the SEE Pavilion at the Cannes Film Market  

12/05/2016 | Cannes 2016 | Market

Adam Driver for Alfama and Joachim Trier for Memento

Adam Driver for Alfama and Joachim Trier for Memento

CANNES 2016: The US actor will star in The Man who Killed Don Quixote by Terry Gilliam, while the Norwegian filmmaker is preparing Thelma  

12/05/2016 | Cannes 2016 | Market/France

Lithuania shows itself off at Cannes

Lithuania shows itself off at Cannes

The visibility of the Baltic country continues to grow as it consolidates its presence at the Cannes Film Market  

11/05/2016 | Cannes 2016 | Market/Lithuania

The return of NEXT: The programme of the third edition revealed

The return of NEXT: The programme of the third edition revealed

CANNES NEXT: The Cannes Film Festival gears up to present the 2016 edition of NEXT – Shaping Tomorrow's Cinema  

11/05/2016 | Cannes 2016 | Market

Three Swiss virtual reality projects at the Cannes Film Festival

Three Swiss virtual reality projects at the Cannes Film Festival

CANNES NEXT: Birdly, Real Virtuality and Spatial Stories, the best that Swiss virtual reality has to offer, are the projects being presented in the second edition of Beyond Cinema  

11/05/2016 | Cannes 2016 | Market/Switzerland

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