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433 articles available in total starting from 19/09/2002. Last article published on 24/07/2019.

Degree in film engineering

The University of Turin has set up a new degree in Film Engineering and Communications. The three-year course will open in September and is the first of its kind in Europe. It is the result of a...  

29/04/2003 | Institutions | Italy

All change at Cinémathèque

France’s National Film Centre (CNC) and the Ministry for Culture have taken control of the National Film Library (or Cinémathèque) and named a number of new board members. Yesterday saw the...  

29/04/2003 | Institutions | France

Clermont-Tonnerre confirmed

Producer Antoine de Clermont-Tonnerre, the head of Mact Productions, has been re-elected to the presidency of the French producers’ and film exporters guild (CSPEFF). Last year de...  

23/04/2003 | Institutions | France

The 10 Agis Proposals

The Coordination Committee set up by Italy’s entertainment sector umbrella association, Agis (Associazione Generale Italiana dello Spettacolo) held its first press conference yesterday, 10 April,...  

11/04/2003 | Institutions | Italy

Upheaval at the Cinémathèque

Employees of the French National Film Library, the Cinémathèque, convened in a general assembley on Friday 4 April to protest against the reforms to the hallowed insititution’s Charter introduced...  

07/04/2003 | Institutions | France

ABC of writing for cinema

Spanish writers to get their very own dedicated online website in May: contacts, legal & financial advice  

03/04/2003 | Institutions | France

Marie Masmonteil re-confirmed at SPI

French film producer, Marie Masmonteil (Elzevir Films) was re-elected to the presidency of France’s Indepdent Producers’ Guild - SPI with a 12-month mandate. The SPI is the only professional...  

01/04/2003 | Institutions | France

New Unifrance head to be named post-Cannes

The name of the successor to Daniel Toscan du Plantier as President of Unifrance, the agency for the promotion of French cinema abroad, will only be decided after the end of the Cannes Film...  

28/03/2003 | Institutions | France

New team at IFC

Laufey Gudjonsdottir is given a five-year mandate as Centre’s new MD by 7-man committee & Minister of Culture  

27/03/2003 | Institutions | Iceland

EU state subsidies control mechanism criticises

In a declaration that was sent to the Austrian Secretary of State for Culture, Franz Morak, on Thursday 20 March 2003, Gerhard Schedl, the director of the Austrian Film Institute, criticised the...  

21/03/2003 | Institutions | Austria

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