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Berlinale 2016

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123 articles available in total starting from 14/10/2015. Last article published on 23/02/2016.

Being 17: A sentimental education with full-on contact

Being 17: A sentimental education with full-on contact

BERLIN 2016: André Téchiné’s new film, the screenplay for which he wrote with Céline Sciamma, is a physical, sensual and enjoyable film on the blossoming of desire between two high-school students  

15/02/2016 | Berlinale 2016 | Competition

We Are Never Alone: Or we always are

We Are Never Alone: Or we always are

BERLIN 2016: Petr Václav's Forum title paints a bleak picture of an unhappy, marginalised society  

15/02/2016 | Berlinale 2016 | Forum

Mellow Mud: Severed ties

Mellow Mud: Severed ties

BERLIN 2016: The feature by young Latvian director Renars Vimba portrays the coming of age of a young woman with (almost) no family, fighting her way out of a quagmire  

14/02/2016 | Berlinale 2016 | Generation

Denmark’s The Model a bestseller for TrustNordisk at the EFM

Denmark’s The Model a bestseller for TrustNordisk at the EFM

BERLIN 2016: The Danish international sales agency has closed eight contracts for the film – as well as several for its Norwegian and Finnish fare  

14/02/2016 | Berlinale 2016 | Market

Things to Come: Huppert shines for Hansen-Løve

Things to Come: Huppert shines for Hansen-Løve

BERLIN 2016: Mia Hansen-Løve's fifth feature film benefits from a non-sentimentalist approach and a fantastic role for Isabelle Huppert  

14/02/2016 | Berlinale 2016 | Competition

Tomcat: While the cat’s away…

Tomcat: While the cat’s away…

BERLIN 2016: An inexplicable gesture brings a musician couple’s relationship to an impasse  

14/02/2016 | Berlinale 2016 | Panorama Special

Europe, She Loves: An ode to fragility and imperfection

Europe, She Loves: An ode to fragility and imperfection

BERLIN 2016: The latest feature film by Swiss filmmaker Jan Gassmann opens the Panorama Dokumente section of the Berlinale  

13/02/2016 | Berlinale 2016 | Panorama

The Yard: Itinerary of a dead poet

The Yard: Itinerary of a dead poet

BERLIN 2016: Måns Månsson’s new film depicts the spiral of poverty in a modern capitalist society in which humanity is of secondary concern  

13/02/2016 | Berlinale 2016 | Forum

Hedi, or male emancipation

Hedi, or male emancipation

BERLIN 2016: The debut film by Mohamed Ben Attia follows the liberation of a young man stifled by a traditional form of repression practised by its biggest victims: women  

13/02/2016 | Berlinale 2016 | Competition

War on Everyone: Badder boys

War on Everyone: Badder boys

BERLIN 2016: The conventional but occasionally inventive new feature by John Michael McDonagh toys with the genre of the roguish and light-hearted buddy movie  

13/02/2016 | Berlinale 2016 | Panorama

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