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David Serrano, director of Una hora más en Canarias

Spanish Film Festival - Malaga

Madrid-based director David Serrano talks about his film Una hora más en Canarias, shown in competition at the thirteenth edition of the Malaga Spanish Film Festival.

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Una hora más en Canarias [+see also:
film review
interview: David Serrano
interview: David Serrano, director of …
film profile
is a musical, a new production from the "factory" Telespan 2000, starring Quim Gutiérre, Angie Cepeda and Juana Acosta. It will open in Spain on July 16, distributed by Vértice Cine.

In Malaga Cineuropa also interviewed:

- Sebastián Cordero, director of Rabia [+see also:
film profile

- David Pinillos, director of Bon Appétit [+see also:
film profile

See also

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