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Trailer [DE]

by Almut Getto

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Phillip has sealed himself off in an everyday life reduced, as some say, to the max: he sleeps, eats and works. He loves silent films and pantomime and longs for audience recognition. Lina is blind. And she is fed up with other people seeing her as just handicapped, constantly reducing her to this single defect, pitying, mothering and speaking for her. She is a strong, self-aware woman who has achieved a certain virtuoso status in her profession as a cellist and is on the verge of breaking out with her own string quartet. When the two of them meet, Phillip is thrown out of his well-ordered orbit. Lina might be blind but Phillip can no longer hide from her. While they unstoppably draw closer, at the same time they keep moving away from the life that they knew before – and have to realize that things which they previously took to be important are, in reality, perhaps not at all as important as they were.

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