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Tom Sawyer

Trailer [de-CH]

by Hermine Huntgeburth

mp4 (640x360) [7 MB]

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Tom Sawyer has nothing but pranks and mischief on his mind – much to the distress of his aunt Polly, with whom he and his step-brother Sid live in the little town of St. Petersburg on the Mississippi. Although he’s a tough nut to crack, Polly has taken it upon herself to raise Tom to be a responsible, decent person. Luckily for Tom, he has a friend who loves adventures as much as he does, Huck Finn. Tom and the orphan boy, who lives in a barrel at the edge of town, spend every free minute together. Only one very exceptional girl manages to take Tom’s mind off of his gallivanting around with Huck: Becky Thatcher, the daughter of the new judge of St. Petersburg, who has just moved into town. Tom does everything possible to impress her with his "heroic deeds."

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